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endorse the products or organizations advertised here.
University of Minnesota Human Rights Library--includes U.N., O.A.S., U.S., and other human rights resources in a searchable format.
"Letter from Birmingham Jail"--Martin Luther King, Jr. eloquently explains why "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere," draws the distinction between just and unjust laws, and answers those who argued that he was an "extremist" and that his methods incited violence.
"The Perils of Indifference"--Concentration camp survivor and Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel declaims the dangers of standing on the sidelines when some human beings choose to kill others.
Bahá'í International Community, letter on Right & Responsibility to Promote Human Rights--An articulate appeal for the recognition of universal human rights.
Pope John Paul II's Message for the World Day of Peace, 1/1/99, "Respect for Human Rights: The Secret of True Peace"-- Pope John Paul II addresses the right to life and other human rights, explaining why "when the promotion of the dignity of the person is the guiding principle, and when the search for the common good is the overriding commitment, then solid and lasting foundations for building peace are laid. But when human rights are ignored or scorned, and when the pursuit of individual interests unjustly prevails over the common good, then the seeds of instability, rebellion and violence are inevitably sown."
A. General
Catholic Forum list of Life Issues Web Sites--Links to a host of organizations active on life issues, from capital punishment to abortion and euthanasia.
Priests for Life-- A wealth of information--updated daily--on right to life issues, including links, organizations, news, statements of Church leaders, etc. The site also has a search page which makes finding the information easy.
Pregnancy Centers On-line--On-line help for women who find themselves in crisis pregnancies, including where to find nearby crisis pregnancy centers, etc.
B. Pro-Life
Mother Teresa: In Her Own Words--Site has a number of speeches and letters by Mother Teresa, including her address at the National Prayer Breakfast condemning abortion, her amicus brief to the Supreme Court, and her letter to the Beijing Women's conference. The organization Priests for Life, meanwhile, has posted Mother Teresa's 12/11/79 address accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, where she makes another passionate appeal for the protection of the unborn.
Governor Robert Casey's speech at the Notre Dame Law School (April 6, 1995)--The late Pennsylvania Governor, and the nation’s most prominent pro-life democrat in the 1990s, explains why he opposed abortion.
Carolyn Gargaro's Pro-Woman, Pro-Life Web Page and list of Feminist Pro-Life web sites --Gargaro is one of the internet's more prolific pro-life voices and is proof positive that one can be unapologetically pro-life and pro-woman at the same time.
The Spiritual Diversity Issue of the online Feminism and Nonviolence Studies Journal. The Feminism and Nonviolence Studies Association used to issue produce the print journal Studies in Prolife Feminism. The first issue of their new on-line journal displays some of the remarkable breadth of ideas and backgrounds in the pro-life movement.
An Islamic perspective on abortion
Orthodox Christians for Life Web Page
E.F.R.A.T. Web Page. E.F.R.A.T. is an international organization devoted to promoting the right to life of the unborn among the Jewish community.
"Living the Gospel of Life: A Challenge to American Catholics," A Statement by the Catholic Bishops of the United States, 11/18/98
"Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life): On the Value and Inviolability of Human Life," Pope John Paul II's influential encyclical on the right to life, 3/25/95
Declaration on Procured Abortion issued by the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (one of the bodies of the Catholic hierarchy), 11/18/74
Declaration on Euthanasia issued by the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (one of the bodies of the Catholic hierarchy), 5/5/80
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum's home page--Archives and a wealth of other information on the Holocaust and some of the Nazis' other extermination campaigns.
Nuremberg Trial, Court TV files--Numerous archives pertaining to the famous trial of the major Nazi war criminals, including selected transcripts, an index of the major participants in the trial, background on the tribunal and the legal reasoning behind its decision, and an analysis of the trial's legacy.
The Nuremberg War Crimes Trials--Index of documents relating to the Nuremberg Trials, including the presentation of the cases, the testimony of witnesses and supporting documents.
History of the Nazis' "Euthanasia" Program. Traces the development of the "Euthanasia" program and its relationship to the "Final Solution."
Nuremberg Doctors Trial, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum--Excerpts from the official trial record of doctors involved in the Nazis' "Euthanasia" Program, experiments on concentration camp prisoners, and other crimes against humanity, together with accompanying photographs and a discussion of the Nuremberg Code.
(Eugenics is the "science" of improving the "genetic hygiene" of the human race by preventing those deemed inferior from reproducing or encouraging those deemed superior to have more children. It is a human rights issue inasmuch as it assumes that all human beings are not created equal. The most famous eugenic policies are probably the compulsory sterilization laws enacted in the Nazi Germany. However, eugenic thinking was prominent in many countries, and certain eugenic trends persist today.)
“Yale Study: U.S. Eugenics Paralleled Nazi Germany,” –article by David Morgan from 2/15/00 Chicago Tribune.
Image archive on the American Eugenics Movement—In addition to photos and other images, includes numerous writings of once prominent, now discredited, eugenecists.
Bioethics and Disability Web Page’s Links re: Eugenics –Links to materials on the internet concerning eugenics, including materials by opponents and proponents of eugenics.
Brief overview of the eugenics movement in the United States, from Not Dead Yet, an advocacy group for disabled persons.
“Eugenics by Abortion,” by George F. Will, Washington Post, Thursday, April 14, 2005; Page A27.
American Life League's eugenics page--Discusses the interrelationship between the eugenics movement and the abortion/euthanasia movements.
Documentary history of the eugenics movement in Vermont, maintained by the University of Vermont.
Cornell's Death Penalty Law Materials-- A good introduction to the law concerning capital punishment. The site includes historic and recent Supreme Court cases on the death penalty, and an analysis of the eighth amendment of the constitution, among other things.
Court TV Death Penalty Materials--A variety of information related to capital punishment, including statistics, history, articles, and analysis.
Death Penalty Information Center--Statistics and other information concerning a wide range of death-penalty related issues: innocence, public opinion, selective enforcement, etc.
U.S. Department of Justice Survey on the Federal Death Penalty System.
Catholics Against Capital Punishment--group dedicated to promoting greater awareness of Catholic Church teachings that characterize capital punishment as unnecessary, inappropriate and unacceptable in today's world.
National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine--The world's largest on-line medical library is a remarkably comprehensive source of information, from the basic to the technical. The site includes a number of databases, including the invaluable MEDLINE, a bibliographic database of almost 9 million articles published in nearly 4,000 biomedical journals.
University of Pennsylvania Center for Bioethics--one of the more accessible sites focusing on ethical issues in medicine and biology. Topics treated in detail include abortion, cloning, and physician-assisted suicide, among others. A search engine facilitates finding documents, both at Penn and elsewhere.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention home page --information about the CDC, access to Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, and CDC data and statistics, among other things.
Selected medical journals on-line:
New England Journal of Medicine
The House of Atreus Supreme Court Center--includes a brief description of the mechanics of the Court; a form for searching the Court's decisions by party name, citation, or full text; and links to the Court's decisions dealing with right-to-life issues, an annotated version of the U.S. Constitution, and background materials about the Court.
Thomas--access to the full text of U.S. House and Senate bills, plus links to many other Federal sources.
Findlaw's Other Federal Law-- Links to a host of other Federal legal resources on the net: judicial, executive, legislative, and administrative.
Findlaw's State Law Page-- Contains links to state statutes and courts, as well as other state law and government.
Abortion Law Homepage--A fairly objective summary of the law regarding abortion.
Gateways to other legal information
Findlaw--Perhaps the most user-friendly and comprehensive legal gateway, it uses a Yahoo-like format.
WashLaw--Links to law schools, news sources, directories, international, state
I reviewed the sites linked above before posting this page. While I do not agree with everything on them, the sites contained nothing objectionable at that time. However, it is possible some of the sites may have changed since then. Should you discover inappropriate material on any of the sites listed above, please contact me at I will do my best to address your concerns.